I’m a Leader NOT a Clown

Back in 2013 I was able to attend the Chic-Fil-A Leadercast. At the time I was a district level leader with nine General Managers reporting to me and I paid to bring them to Leadercast as an investment in their leadership abilities. As a leadership buff that has studied and learned from some of the best it was truly a blessing to hear from Andy Stanley, John Maxwell, Henry Cloud, Condeleeza Rice and Jack Welch.

Today I was reviewing my notes from the Leadercast and this line stuck out to me....
“I’m a Leader NOT a Clown”
Actual Picture of Me Being a Clown
BUT, to be serious why did I take that note from John Maxwell’s talk and what was I trying to tell myself ?!?

Don’t focus on trying to make people Happy...
  • A Clowns job is to make people happy; A Leaders job is to get results.
  • Clowns make people smile; Leaders add value to the people they lead.
  • Clowns are a joke; Leaders build confidence by developing the strengths in others.
So from my notes a Leader:
  1. Gets results
  2. Adds value to the people they lead
  3. Builds confidence in others by helping them develop their strengths. 
Reading over my past notes is always a blessing to me and I thought this was a good reminder of what we as leaders should keep in mind as we serve others. 

I’ll leave you with these thought provoking questions:
  1. Do I take notes and review them from time to time?
  2. What exactly do I do to add value to people and how do I know when I am?
  3. Am I helping others develop their strengths or just improve weaknesses?
Thank you again for reading and may God bless you!

- TB


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